5 Essential Stretches to Enhance Hip Mobility
Back pain affects millions of people worldwide and significantly impacts the quality of life. Often, the focus is directly on alleviating back discomfort, but one crucial aspect frequently overlooked is hip mobility.
Top Exercises to Strengthen Your Spine for a Better Golf Swing
Golf is a sport that requires a blend of strength, flexibility, and precision. A strong spine is crucial for an effective and injury-free golf swing. It provides the necessary support for powerful movements and ensures proper posture and alignment throughout the swing.
A Guide to Managing Osteoporosis through Physical Activity
Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by weakened bones prone to fractures, particularly affects older women and poses significant challenges to mobility and independence.
Unlocking Flexibility: The Key to a Healthy Golf Game
Aging is a natural part of life, and as we grow older, our bodies undergo many changes. One such change that can significantly affect our daily lives is the loss of flexibility.
Swinging for Success
Learn the crucial link between spinal health and golf performance. Spinal health plays a critical role in golf performance in several ways…
Tackling Common Golf Injuries
As with any sport, there are common factors that contribute to injuries. For golf, these generally occur in the swing.
Golf Pre-Round Warm-Up: Effective Exercises to Prepare Your Body
Before you hit the driving range, you should warm up your body and prepare your mind for what’s ahead.
Why Rest And Recovery Are Important For Athletes
Rest and recovery are arguably the most important activities for any athlete (of any skill level).
What You Need To Know About Golfer’s Elbow
Golfer’s Elbow is a common condition of golfer’s of all skill levels. The medical term is “medical epicondylitis.”
A Short Case Study on a Junior Golfer Using MAT Assessment Tool
As a Physical Therapist and Golf Performance Specialist, I must accurately assess my client’s mobility and strength far beyond where the pain or issue may be felt, which is why I use MAT.
How to Play Stronger, Harder, and Longer with Physical Therapy for Golf Performance
Do you experience muscle strain, pain, or burn during or after playing golf? Then you’re in the right place.
Improve Hamstring Flexibility; Improve Your Golf Game.
You might be wondering what hamstring flexibility has to do with your golf performance; the truth is it’s essential for a powerful golf swing.
Ladies, Let Biology Be Your Workout Guide!
Many workout regimes (and research) are based on a one-size fits all approach, neglecting the woman’s body and how their cycle can influence workout effectiveness.
Your Must-Have At-Home Exercise Equipment Guide
For those who enjoy working out at home or want to work out from home, I recommend you use my workout equipment guide to help you build strength, mobility, and balance.
How To Keep Your Golf Strength And Conditioning On Track
If you’re looking for an advantage on the course, then incorporating strength, balance, and mobility exercises is your secret weapon.
4 Exercises to Improve Your Golf Game During Off-Season
The colder weather keeps you indoors more and less active, which doesn’t do any favors for your golf game. So, how can you keep your golf fitness up for when the golf season starts?