How to Play Stronger, Harder, and Longer with Physical Therapy for Golf Performance

Do you experience muscle strain, pain, or burn during or after playing golf? Then you’re in the right place.

Golf requires your body to perform repetitive movements. You are far more susceptible to injury without the proper stretches and exercises before you play. It’s common for golfers to experience overuse injuries, but with the right performance program, you can prepare your body for what’s ahead. 

At PerformanceAbove, I create a customized performance program to ensure your body is golf-ready. During a two-part performance assessment, I will evaluate your mobility and strength and find any dysfunctions that must be addressed. Through a series of visits and at-home exercises, you will see significant improvement in your golf game, but more importantly, you will feel stronger so you can play longer pain-free. 

Let's dive into the benefits of physical therapy for golf performance and what to expect from my golf performance program.

Physical Therapy for Golfers 

You don't have to be injured to benefit from physical therapy. In fact, incorporating physical therapy early on helps prevent injuries from occurring down the road. 

Over time, your body can become unbalanced, affecting your posture, moblity, and strength. Even if you don't experience pain, you might feel uncomfortable and experience stiffness or soreness. With physical therapy, you can incorporate stretches and exercises to help your muscles gain strength and promote muscle memory in preparation for certain physical activities, like golf. 

For many of my clients, the goal is to improve their golf performance, but moreover, it's improving longevity in their game. You'll start seeing results by incorporating just a few minutes of pre-game exercises and exercises on your off days, just 20-30 minutes a few times a week. 

  • Decrease pain and muscle fatigue

  • Increase the speed and power of your swing

  • Gain better muscle control during and outside of games

  • Reduce the chances of constant stress injuries, like carpal tunnel and chronic back pain

At-Home Exercises to Improve Golf Performance

Fortunately, you can do many at-home exercises with little to no equipment. Most exercises require a wall, a place to sit, or some form of resistance, like weights or bands.

  • Stretching - Much of your golf game includes flexing your body, so stretching helps increase your muscles' range. Popular golf-focused exercises include the inverted hamstring stretch for legs or shoulder stretches. Consider flexing your wrists to prevent stiffness and prepare them for repetitive motions.

  • Strengthening - Stronger muscles produce more powerful swings and prevent injuries. Pushups and single-leg deadlifts work out your muscles using your body weight to strengthen you. Remember to be patient and do fewer repetitions than you would like at the start.

  • Core Control - Your core helps your body flow with each swing. Taking care of your golf skills means improving control of this section of your body. Try exercises like the dead bud, full plank, or abdominal bracing for a stronger core.

On-Demand Golf Performance Training

Incorporating the right exercises and stretches into your daily routine is crucial for success. Fortunately, I have created an on-demand performance program for golfers like you who are serious about their health and fitness.

My Golf Fit program is a comprehensive, multi-level training program designed to help golfers of all skill levels improve their physical fitness, golf-specific movement patterns, game longevity, and overall course performance. This is a 6-week program, with each week focusing on a specific aspect of golf fitness and performance. 

There’s no time like the present to start. To learn more about my program and to enjoy 50% off your purchase, use coupon code TOUR23 and click the link below. 


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Improve Hamstring Flexibility; Improve Your Golf Game.