Best Tee Times
Now that the golf season is among us, you might be wondering when is the best time to golf?
It’s a good question because the time of day you decide to tee off can affect your golf game.
If you can, try playing early in the morning. This is the best time to tee because it’s cooler, the sun isn’t at its peak, so the chance of dehydration decreases, and you can play longer without feeling fatigued.
Before you hit the course, look at the weather forecast and consider the time it takes you to finish 18-holes. Ensure you eat a proper breakfast, warm up before you tee and stay hydrated (even if it’s cool, always have access to water).
The late afternoon would be the second-best option for those who cannot make morning tee times. The temperatures are cooling down, and the sun is already moving down toward sunset. The same principles apply for those heading out late afternoon, check the weather, warm up and bring water with you to stay hydrated.
If you find yourself playing mid-day when the temperatures are high, be sure to pace yourself, take breaks, and drink plenty of water and sports drinks with electrolytes throughout your game. Players who play mid-day are more prone to cramping and injury because they don’t stay well-hydrated, and their bodies fatigue more quickly.
So, if you are looking for the best times to tee, try your best to play early mornings and, at the very least, late afternoons.
Have a great game and swing easy!
If you find yourself compensating as you play from feeling either stiff or sore, you could benefit from a 30-minute consultation with me, Hetal. I specialize in golf performance and physical therapy. Let me help you level up your golf game so you can play pain-free for years to come.
Schedule your consultation today.